A Special Note from e-Rate Consultant Gerry Zeller

ZELLER AND ASSOCIATES, LLC is dedicated to the premise that NO SCHOOL or -LIBRARY should ever leave money on the table, especially E-Rate monies. ZELLER AND ASSOCIATES, LLC tailors it's services to the schools or library's needs. Its services range from simply providing guidance to acting as your organization’s agent to complete the entire process. Its one and only goal is to make sure your organization realizes all the support the Program can provide.




Funding Year 2015 (7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016)

e-Rate To Fund All Properly Filed Requests

For only the third time in program history, every Form 471 application that is compliant with E-rate rules will receive a funding commitment, Category One and Two.

Funding Year 2014 (7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015)

BEAR (Form 472) Deadline is October 28, 2015

f your organization pays your telecommunications and Internet Access bills in full, it has until October 28, 2015 to file for reimbursements. Remember that the Service Provider must also approve the request, so be sure to provide it with time to do so. For that reason, it would be a good idea to consider October 15, 2015 as the deadline.

To prepare, begin a review of the invoices the organization has received for services that began or were in place beginning July 1, 2014 through, at most, June 30, 2015. Remember you can only seek reimbursement for payments actually made and for services that are “e-Rate eligible”. For unofficial guidance on eligible versus ineligible charges, please see our “An unofficial listing of Eligible and Ineligible Charges and Fees” available when clicking on the e-Rate Resources tab above.

Funding Year 2015 (7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016)

Form 486 Deadline is October 29, 2015

If the e-Rate Program issues the Funding Year 2015 “Funding Commitment Decision Letter” on or before July 1, 2015, the deadline for filing Form 486 is October 29, 2015 (or 120 days after the FCDL is issued, whichever is later). With the Form 486 your organization is telling the Program that it is Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) compliant and is receiving the services which it named on its 471 application(s). Though not required to submit it, it is wise to have a copy of the paid invoice for your organization’s filtering service in the Funding Year 2015 e-Rate file before filing the “486”. Remember, the FCC removed the Technology Plan requirement beginning with this Funding Year.